It's Hot Outside!

Make the heat go away with this frappuccino recipe. Ingredients: 1-2 cups of ice, ½ cup of double-strength coffee, preferrably dark-roast, 1½ cup of lowfat milk or half-and-half, 1-2 tablespoons of sugar, depending on your sweet tooth, 1-2 tablespoons of chocolate or other flavored syrup, whipped cream for garnishing; extra chocolate syrup to drizzle over garnish, and chocolate sprinkles or chips. Brew a pot of fresh, double-strength dark roast coffee. Chill your coffee. Blend all ingredients except ice on high speed for 20+ seconds, until the sugar has dissolved. Add ice and blend another 20+ seconds, until the mixture is smooth, or slushy in its consistency. Pour into a cup, and top with whipped cream, drizzled syrup, and chocolate sprinkles or chips. Yum! MORE

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